Monday, May 30, 2011

Email to XTimeline

After review of XTimeline, I emailed the site creators at to make them aware of some features that might be beneficial to educators. Although I am waiting to hear back from the site, below is the text of my email to them. 

To whom it may concern,

I am a current registered user of XTimeline and a high school educator. Because the main purpose for using XTimeline is to have my students create informational timelines related to classroom content, I have a few suggestions to help make your site more educationally friendly. The main suggestion I have is to provide users with a tutorial of some sort to help students more easily create a timeline. A video tutorial would be even better, so students could visually see where to go on the site and what links to click on. I also think it would be beneficial to make your timeline categories and lists more visible on your site, as currently, your ads are more visible than these items. Lastly, I really like that students can insert photos into their timelines, but it would also be beneficial for students if they could easily embed videos related to events directly to the timelines as well.  Would it be possible to make these features available? I appreciate all that your site has to offer to students, but wanted to offer these suggestions to further improve XTimeline's functionality for students and educators. 

Thank you for your time and consideration!

Shanna Lentz
English Teacher

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